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Free Horoscope

*By just entering your birth details like Name,Sex,Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Birth Place , you can get various astrology reports based on Indian Astrology free of cost.

Indian Astrology Calculations

* Basic Details

* Planetary Position

* Vimshottari Dasha

* Lagan (Birth) Chart

* Navmansha Chart

* Transit Chart

Indian Astrology Predictions

* Interpretation of all planet (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) based on Indian Astrology

* Interpretation of Vimshottari Maha Dasha and Antar Dasha periods based on Indian Astrology

Indian Astrology Remedies

* Remedies through wearing gems based on Indian Astrology

* Remedies of Lal Kitab

and Much More .....